India's Bold Stand Against Israeli Settlements: A Diplomatic Dance at the UN

A recent diplomatic tango at the United Nations, India stepped onto the dance floor and made a bold move by voting in favor of a resolution condemning Israeli settlements in Palestine. The resolution, adopted on November 9, saw a significant majority of 145 countries supporting the condemnation of settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

India's decision to stand against Israeli settlements garnered praise from various quarters. Trinamool national spokesperson Saket Gokhale expressed his satisfaction, stating, "Very glad that the Republic of India voted in favor of the resolution. Israel's occupation of Palestine through settlers is ILLEGAL. Israel's apartheid must end NOW."

The United Nations recorded the vote, with 18 countries choosing to abstain and seven, including the United States, Canada, Hungary, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Nauru, voting against the resolution. The Committee approved the draft resolution titled “Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan.”

The resolution's language is explicit, condemning settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan. It encompasses any activities involving the confiscation of land, disruption of the livelihood of protected persons, forced transfer of civilians, and the annexation of land, whether de facto or through national legislation.

The UN statement emphasized the gravity of the resolution, underlining the international community's united stance against actions that threaten peace and stability in the region. The move sends a powerful message that resonates far beyond the walls of the UN headquarters.

This isn't the first time India has made its presence felt in the UN's diplomatic arena. Earlier, India abstained from voting on a UN resolution seeking a truce in Gaza. The resolution, proposed by Jordan, did not find favor with India as it failed to condemn Hamas. Despite facing criticism from some opposition leaders, India stood firm, reiterating its position that terrorists must be unequivocally condemned.

India's diplomatic decisions are guided by a steadfast and consistent approach, and the recent vote on the Israeli settlements resolution aligns with its commitment to international norms and principles. As the world watches the diplomatic dance unfold at the UN, India's steps on the global stage reflect a nation willing to take a stand for what it believes is just and in line with the values it upholds.

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